StepMonsters Overview
StepMonsters is a PokemonGo-style MoveToEarn game that helps players earn token rewards while walking around or exploring the city.
StepMonsters wants users to be able to get out of their homes and experience the fun of walking outdoor while earning token rewards. Also, why not fight against cute monsters while appreciating the beauty of your city?
First of all, players will need to have at least one monster to start the adventure. StepMonsters has 2 different modes: Walking Mode & Explore Mode.
In Walking Mode, players need to walk from 300M to 750M to battle against monsters. Players can choose to fight or skip the monsters, fight monsters will cost players a certain amount of Energy.
In Explore Mode, players can walk around to find the monsters on the map. There would be lots of monsters near players, go find and fight them!
Different Monsters have different levels of attributes. The better the monster is, the higher the attribute, and the more token reward players will get. Players will have to Cure their monsters after the battle, they could also Breed, Level Up their monsters to get stronger.
Players can buy monsters directly from Marketplace or Synthesize a high-level monster from a couple of low-level monsters.
Dead Bodies can be recycled using Soul Point, the current monsters can also be recycled as soul points and Revive Dead Bodies.
Every monster has different attribute scores (HP, Attack, Defense, Speed, Agility, Efficiency, Fatigue, Energy) and will have important roles in how strong the monsters could be. Players can choose the monsters base on these different attributes to earn higher rewards and have more fun.
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